Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Knocking on November's Door

Hey sweet peeps!

Thank you for staying tuned!
Yes, the Peenut is very well alive. Here's some recent sweet stuff...

I received a special request for a very special birthday girl. She wanted an entire cupcake to herself; one that would be bigger than the rest.
No problem, I said.
Now, the instruction for the theme I got was "colorful, sprinkles, acid trip" (i love how some are very vague. May be confusing at times, but leaves room for imagination nonetheless..haha)

Seeing how this was a special birthday mission, I went one step further and decided to extend the "acid-trip" colors INTO the cupcake. Why not, right? You only live once.
So I gathered all the good stuff in my little cupcake pantry and sprinkled a good dose of chocolate & strawberry chips and colorful sprinkles in the mix. I was hoping that it'll give a cheerful splash of color, unexpected flavors and a good crunch when bitten...
It's the one with her name on it ;)
Happy Birthday Bel!

p.s: Bite Me has resumed normalcy and is taking orders, so please don't be a stranger! Despite the world economic crisis, our prices are still the same (it's for the love, I tell you!). For more information, please click the 'HOW TO BITE' link on the right.

only the sweetest xoxo,
The Peenut

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