Saturday, November 1, 2008

I'm Sticking With You ('cause I'm made outta glue)

Happy Sunday everyone!

Surreal as it may be, Bite Me Cupcakes has been operating within the business realms of cyberspace for 1 year now (and counting)!

Nothing has changed much since I first nervously handled (my mom's) electric mixer whilst getting acquainted with her very ancient weighing scale. 365 days on and one full time job later, I find myself still doing it for the love.

I must admit; I've absolutely no business acumen or organizational skills when I launched gung-ho style into this 'business'.
I armed myself with a silly vision and some upstart capital from cupcake sales I made from close friends (thanks Sharon & Mei!). Heaps of scrap papers, doodles and sleepless nights later, Bite Me was born.

The rest as I would say, is a tiny bite in history. The important thing to me at least is that I'm still here and still churning out the cupcakes and it STILL makes me tingle with excitement everytime I pick up the spatula. Well, I guess it isn't so hard when one has got love in the mix. Anyway, I've babbled long enough.

Please feast your eyes on:-

Yes, Peena Colada lovers! I'm always improvising on my designs, and this time I've added colorful cherries as garnish. I should've done it earlier (because we all know that cherries and cocktails just click, duh!)

These goodies were a Bite Me goodwill donation effort towards the Malaysian SLE Association's Deepa-Raya luncheon. Held with the board members and some patients, butterflies are the official symbol. Hence naturally the design was such as well.

I hope they enjoyed it as much as I did preparing them!

At the same time, I received an order from a very sweet someone in Sentul who wanted to show some love to her friend, a "music loving piano teacher". Excited as hell, I jumped at the opportunity, having not done this theme before.

Alas, here is physical evidence for my mom proving that all those years (with me protestin, mostly) of piano classes have not been put to complete waste!

At the very least, I still remember how to illustrate bass and treble clefs. Ooo, and music notes!! This is the Sweet One who purchased said cupcakes, Ms. Feeling Hong!

Is it just me or is everyone who has the love for cupcakes sweet and nice as hell?! Seriously, I've come across some very very very very sweeeeet and interesting ladies from doing what i do. And I can't thank all of you enough for trying out Bite Me despite it being your first time ever and so on.

Why am I talking so much today? Must be because I'm touched. Feeling seriously thankful and blessed.

Thank you for taking the Bite, and most of all, thank you for making all this possible.

Much xoxo,
Zher the Peenut.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Knocking on November's Door

Hey sweet peeps!

Thank you for staying tuned!
Yes, the Peenut is very well alive. Here's some recent sweet stuff...

I received a special request for a very special birthday girl. She wanted an entire cupcake to herself; one that would be bigger than the rest.
No problem, I said.
Now, the instruction for the theme I got was "colorful, sprinkles, acid trip" (i love how some are very vague. May be confusing at times, but leaves room for imagination nonetheless..haha)

Seeing how this was a special birthday mission, I went one step further and decided to extend the "acid-trip" colors INTO the cupcake. Why not, right? You only live once.
So I gathered all the good stuff in my little cupcake pantry and sprinkled a good dose of chocolate & strawberry chips and colorful sprinkles in the mix. I was hoping that it'll give a cheerful splash of color, unexpected flavors and a good crunch when bitten...
It's the one with her name on it ;)
Happy Birthday Bel!

p.s: Bite Me has resumed normalcy and is taking orders, so please don't be a stranger! Despite the world economic crisis, our prices are still the same (it's for the love, I tell you!). For more information, please click the 'HOW TO BITE' link on the right.

only the sweetest xoxo,
The Peenut

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Coming Up for Air

Hey sweet peeps!
Where have you been getting your sweet fixes while the Peenut was away??
Regardless, thank you all for your sweet patience these past 4 months or so. Some of you may have ordered, and I know it wasn't the smoothest (or most punctual) of processes but hey! Thanks for the endless love and support! Below are just a couple of random pictures I managed to capture while on my baking sabbatical.

These are the sweet faces I see every Sunday for work :)

And then my old school mate returned from the UK for a holiday! This was her welcoming back thingy:

P.S: I'm making a comeback soon!


Monday, June 23, 2008

Hello and Goodbye (for now)

Dear sweeet peeps,
As much as it saddens me to admit this, I am on a cupcake hiatus. It was sweet as letting everyone Bite Me but unfortunately the Peenut is not very good with juggling work and baking regularly at the same time. Thank you for all your sweet encouragement, support and love. At the meantime, this blog will still chronicle my baking adventures, so do return often. Who knows, I might be back rockin' rollin' & bakin' very soon.

Keep the sweet times coming + lots of sweeet love,
The Peenut

Friday, May 2, 2008

Hello MAY, you Bite Me?

Hello, May you Bite Me labels for the whole month of May!

This month, Bite Me's going electro-funk-disco-shabby for May! (although, we're still getting used to the fact that we're already in the second quarter of 2008... now, that was fast!) Anyway, life is life; remember to breathe and don't forget to think about the sweet stuff sometimes!

For more flavors, prices and how to get your hands on some of this sweeet lovin', simply click on the How To Bite link on the right.

And as if that's not sweeeet enough, we have a NEW FLAVOR comin' out soon. What is it? You'll just have to wait and see. It's a cheeky little thing, though :)
And to end today's report, I will leave you with my (still) latest crave; the 'Honest Tea' range. Look what I got today:
Come and Bite Me, May!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

5 Steps to a Cupcake

Watch out for Remaja at TV3 tomorrow at 1p.m!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Latest craze + other sweeet things.

Found this organic tea range recently and it's really nice... The Peenut highly recommends it- just a "tad sweet" but really, I'm a sucker for nice packaging.

In other news, here's what I've been up to lately

OK, back to the 'Honest Tea' range... just before you sip your 'Honest Tea', make sure you check out the back of the cap! Mine said "Luck is what you have left over after you give 100 percent". Pure genius packaging I tell you!

For more pictures, do Bite Me Facebook!

The Peenutzher

Friday, April 11, 2008

2 Birthdays & 1 Motto

I'm loving my new design experiment...

The yummiest and easiest monster to bite, trust me. Now if only I can figure out how to do a buttercreamed-Johnny-Depp face on a cupcake! Now, that would be yum.

On another note, Hezrin decided to give her boyfriend some sweeet lovin' for his birthday!

And I was also invited to a Royal Afternoon Tea Party with a certain Princess:

Remember people, it's all about the love, so keep it comin'!

For more pictures of sweeet-ass moments, just Bite Me Facebook! (and don't forget to become a member!!)

One love,

Bite Me.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sweet Thank You To All... so far :)

Hey, hey, Happy Monday!
Watch the video and don't forget to turn up the volume!!

To all the sweet peeps that I've had the pleasure to meet so far, I'd like to wish ya'll
The sweetest THANK YOU!
(I'm sorry that I couldn't include EVERYONE in the video, but it's a tribute to YOU as well.)

Have a sweeeet ass Monday!


Saturday, April 5, 2008

I WANT TO BITE! (but how??)

How to bite in 5 simple steps:

1. Choose flava
2. Choose box size
3. Call or email to place your oder
4. Pay + Collect
5. Enjoy a mind-blowing bite experience!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: What's your flava?

** We do not have fix designs, but will try my best to customize according to YOUR needs. Otherwise, designs will be randomly fabulous (why not if you like surprises!)

Step 2 & 3: Choose Box Size + Browse through Prices & PLACE YOUR ORDER!

Call Zher (017- 2593465) OR e-mail

Step 4: Pay + Collect

We trust you.
That's why we allow for payment upon collection. Bite Me does not do doorstep deliveries. But a convenient place near you is fine (a landmark, petrol station, shops etc).
Deliveries in Bangsar, Hartamas and Damansara Heights= FREE.
Deliveries everywhere else=Call for more info, prices start from RM5.


Step 05; Perhaps the EASIEST step of all,

& ENJOY! ! !